Evaluating your IT needs

Evaluating your IT needs

Our knowledge of IT hardware equipment and software, combined with our decades long experience in IT systems analysis and optimisation are key elements to bringing you the best solution to your needs.

Elaborating IT solutions specifications and requirements

Elaborating IT solutions specifications and requirements

Elaborating thorough and accurate specifications and requirements of your IT needs is of great importance in order to choose the IT solution that suits your needs best and to avoid possible futur disagreements with suppliers and providers.



Finding and evaluating IT suppliers (hardware, software, and network)

Finding or evaluating IT suppliers and providers

Identifying the different suppliers that will suit your needs best in each category (computers, network hardware, softwares…)

Advising and support in analysing IT suppliers offers

Assistance in analysing different suppliers offers

Ensuring your suppliers’ offers correspond to your real needs. Analysing and comparing different offers.